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Implant Restoration in Wakarusa, IN

For residents of Wakarusa, IN, looking for expert dental implant restoration services, Goshen Dentist, under the skilled care of Dr. Deana Fugate, DMD, offers top-notch solutions. Our practice, while not located directly in Wakarusa, warmly welcomes patients from the area seeking professional and compassionate dental care. Dr. Fugate and our team specialize in implant restoration, ensuring that patients receive the highest quality treatment to restore their smiles fully.

Understanding Implant Restoration

Implant Restoration involves the process of replacing missing or damaged teeth with artificial ones that look, feel, and function like natural teeth. This procedure typically follows the successful placement of dental implants and involves custom-making and fitting the prosthetic teeth (crowns) onto the implants.

Benefits of Choosing Implant Restoration

  • Durability: Dental implants provide a permanent solution to tooth loss, offering durability and stability.
  • Functionality: Restored implants allow for normal chewing and speaking, closely mimicking natural teeth.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Custom-made crowns are designed to match your natural teeth, enhancing your smile and overall facial aesthetics.
  • Bone Health: Implants stimulate and preserve natural bone growth, preventing bone loss associated with missing teeth.
  • Overall Oral Health: Implant restoration contributes to better oral health and hygiene, supporting the health of adjacent teeth.

The Implant Restoration Process: An Overview

  1. Initial Consultation: Meet with Dr. Deana Fugate for a thorough examination and discussion about your dental history and the implant restoration process.
  2. Treatment Planning: Utilizing advanced imaging techniques, a detailed treatment plan is tailored to meet your specific needs.
  3. Implant Placement: If not already done, dental implants are surgically placed into the jawbone, where they will integrate with the bone over time.
  4. Abutment Placement: Once healing is complete, an abutment is attached to the implant, serving as a base for the new tooth.
  5. Crown Fabrication: A custom crown is created to match the color, shape, and size of your natural teeth.
  6. Final Restoration: The crown is securely attached to the abutment, completing the restoration process. 

For detailed information, contact us at 574-533-6911.

Preparing for Your Implant Restoration

  • Oral Health Assessment: Ensure your gums and remaining teeth are healthy to support the implant restoration.
  • Discuss Expectations: Talk with Dr. Fugate about your aesthetic and functional expectations.
  • Plan for Recovery: Arrange for time off if needed and prepare for aftercare following implant placement.
  • Financial Planning: Understand the costs involved and explore insurance options and financing plans available through our office.

Why Choose Goshen Dentist For Your Implant Restoration?

Selecting Dr. Deana Fugate for your implant restoration means entrusting your dental care to an experienced professional committed to excellence. At Goshen Dentist, we prioritize patient comfort and satisfaction, utilizing state-of-the-art technology and personalized care plans to ensure the best outcomes for your dental health.

Frequently Asked Questions About Implant Restoration

The entire process, from implant placement to final restoration, can vary but typically takes several months to allow for proper healing and integration.

Discomfort is minimal, especially with the advanced techniques and anesthesia options available today. Dr. Fugate and our team ensure patient comfort throughout the process.

Care for your implant restorations just as you would natural teeth, with regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups.

Book Your Implant Restoration Appointment in Wakarusa, IN Today!

If you're ready to restore your smile with Implant Restoration, contact Goshen Dentist at 574-533-6911 to schedule your appointment. Let us help you achieve the functional, beautiful smile you deserve with the compassionate, expert care you can trust.